The basics, too basic?

By scronius
On June 25, 2024

I found the basics course to be too basic. If I had bought it outside of the bundle have I would be upset at having spent so much money on something so simple. Most people who get into this hobby to the point that they want to take lessons have certainly been introduced to the basics in some other way. Anyone who’s seen a YouTube video can understand the concept of finger cots for example.

The course does a good job covering the absolute basics but unless someone is coming into the course never having seen a watch before I would say it is too basic and nowhere near worth the money.

Instead I was hoping for some more on hands practical basic knowledge. Something only an experienced watchmaker such as yourself would have and something that would only be relevant to beginner hobbies as opposed to a wider YouTube audience. For example I was hoping on some more details about dressing screwdrivers and tweezers, something I’ve come to understand is an important and basic skill but isn’t taught at all in the course. Another example would be how to hold a screwdriver. These are basic skills which should be taught to beginners and something I would much rather have learned from the course than from the forums or YouTube.

Admin Response...
Thank you for your message - I really appreciate your feedback, however - here is my humble response...

Course Level 1 is EXACTLY as described on the website, despite your own knowledge - there ARE some people who require the basic groundings in watch repair, an introduction to tools, consumables, bench practices and identification of parts and movement parts.

All of the content of level one clearly described on the Level 1 description page on the website linked directly from the front page and not hidden. (

If you already know that information, then that's fantastic, you did not have to enroll on Level 1 in order to proceed to Level 2 (This is also explained on the website). However, Just because YOU know that information, it does not negate the fact that hundreds of students who have enrolled and enjoyed this course level have sent messages of appreciation that we did NOT skip this vital part of the course.

In fact let me quote the exact wording on the website describing Level 1:
"You will be learning watch repair from the ground up over the course of several modules we call 'levels'. This is Level 1 and in this first level, we shall start by discussing your optimal working environment, then proceed to talk about some of the tools and equipment you will be using, giving you clear demonstrations on how to use them."
I am sorry that you feel that it was not worth it FOR YOU. But it is worth it for the majority starting out in watch repair and so that is why it is considered a major part of the grounding of the course (The reviews on my site are absolutely real).
In conclusion - this is not a course built specifically for your needs only - there are many people who take this course and they NEED the information in Level 1. You didn't, but I cannot be responsible as I don't know your level of knowledge in advance - it was up to YOU to determine which Level's are relevant to your needs and this is why I spent a lot of time putting together a website which tells you exactly what each lesson provides in terms of information.
I mean all the above with absolute respect and I wish you very warm regards.